AI Policy Hub
The Public Safety AI Policy Hub is a source for insights, analysis, and policy guidance related to the use of AI in the public safety domain. Our goal is to serve as a central forum for policymakers and stakeholders interested in the sound governance of AI. The Public Safety AI Policy Hub is a project of the Policing Project at New York University School of Law.
Latest Resources
The goal of this explainer is to help policymakers assess the potential benefits of AI systems as part of a comprehensive evaluative approach.
This explainer gives an overview of some of the ways police are using AI to investigate and deter crime.
AI and Prosecution is a collaboration between the Vanderbilt Project on Prosecution Policy (VPOPP) and NYU Law's Policing Project. Based on a comprehensive literature review and interviews with prosecutors nationwide, this report catalogs current AI applications in prosecution, explores future uses, assesses benefits and risks, and offers recommendations for effective governance of the use of this powerful technology.
Our key takeaways on what the new federal policy on use of AI by the federal government means for law enforcement.
This overview highlights ways in which the E.U. AI Act, which introduces important measures to mitigate the potential harms of AI systems including in the law enforcement context, could serve as a model for regulation in the U.S.