Policing Project Team

The Policing Project at the New York University School of Law is a dynamic, growing organization dedicated to bringing democratic accountability to policing. We work with communities and police departments across the country to ensure that agency policies and practices are transparent, efficacious, and adopted with public input.

Photo of José Abonce
José Abonce
Senior Program Manager, Community-Police Relations
Photo of Gabrielle Bayness
Gabrielle Bayness
Legislative Paralegal & Research Specialist
Quincy Blair
Legal Fellow
Olivia Burgher
Litigation Support & Research Specialist
Photo of Barry Friedman
Barry Friedman
Founder and Faculty Director
Photo of Ryan Gerber
Ryan Gerber
Senior Counsel
Photo of Rita Gonzalez
Rita Gonzalez
Reimagining Public Safety Program Associate
Photo of Matthew Barge
Marquianna Griffin
Research Associate
Photo of Alexander Heaton
Alexander Heaton
Director of Reimagining Public Safety
Photo of Daniel Harawa
Daniel Harawa
Senior Advisor
Photo of Farhang Heydari
Farhang Heydari
Senior Advisor
Photo of Krystan A Hitchcock
Krystan A Hitchcock
Senior Counsel
Photo of Ben-Hoynes
Ben Hoynes
Policing Justice Fellow
Photo of Max Isaacs
Max Isaacs
Senior Staff Attorney
Katie Kinsey
Katie Kinsey
Chief of Staff
Photo of Lucy Larkins
Lucy Larkins
Special Assistant
Photo of Kaylynn Lopez
Kaylynn Lopez
Operations Specialist
Photo of Joshua Manson
Joshua Manson
Director of Communications
Photo of Max Markham
Max Markham
Executive Director
Photo of Maureen McGough
Maureen McGough
Senior Advisor for Collaborative Reform
Photo of Kelly McConney Moore
Kelly McConney Moore
Deputy Director of Legislative Initiatives
Tanya Meisenholder
Director of Gender Equity
Photo of Josh Parker
Josh Parker
Senior Counsel
Wenei Philimon
Digital Communications Specialist
Maria Ponomarenko
Co-Founder and Counsel
Photo of Freya Riel
Freya Rigterink
Senior Advisor
Photo of Deondre' Rutues
Deondre' Rutues
Community Engagement Specialist
Photo of Aaron Scherzer
Aaron Scherzer
Litigation Director
Photo of Ivey Smith
Ivey Smith
Program Manager
Photo of Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson
Reimagining Public Safety Senior Data Analyst
Photo of Lars Trautman
Lars Trautman
Senior Counsel
Photo of Lars Trautman
Jenna Wong
AI and Public Safety Research Associate


Photo of Matthew Barge
Matthew Barge
Senior Policing Fellow

Valena Beety
Arizona State University

Monica Bell

Monica Bell
Yale University

Hannah Bloch-Wehba
Texas A&M University

Brenda Bond-Fortier
Suffolk University

Jillian Carr
Purdue University

Photo of Bennett Capers
Bennett Capers
Senior Technology Fellow
Photo of Danielle Citron
Danielle Citron
Senior Technology Fellow
Photo of Jessica Gillooly

Jessica Gillooly
Senior Policing Fellow

Sharad Goel
Stanford University

Rachel Harmon

Rachel Harmon
Senior Policing Fellow

Chris Magnus
Chris Magnus
Senior Advisor for Public Safety
Rachel Harmon

Aili Malm
Senior Research Fellow

Photo of Bob Wasserman
Bob Wasserman
Distinguished Senior Fellow

Mike Mueller-Smith
Michigan State University

Emily Owens
University of California, Irvine

Ravi Shroff
New York University

Christopher Slobogin

Christopher Slobogin
Senior Technology Fellow

Sara Wakefield

Sara Wakefield
Rutgers University


Alicia Berenyi, Research Fellow
Max Carter-Oberstone, Orrick Justice Fellow
Brian Chen, Senior Program Manager
Ellie Citron, Paralegal
Julian Clark, Policing Fellow
Claire Duleba, Administrator
Carrie Eidson, Senior Program Manager
Robert Haas, Senior Policing Fellow
Sunshine Hillygus, Consultant
Regina Holloway, Senior Program Manager
Ariele Le Grand, Senior Program Manager
Emmanuel Mauleon, Technology Fellow
Jamelia Morgan, Research Fellow
Nonny Onyekweli, Research Fellow
Christina Socci, Program Manager
Lauren Speigel, Research Director
Robin Tholin, Litigation Fellow
Jonathan Spratley, Policing Project Fellow
Suzanne Ito, Director of Communications
Annie Hudson-Price, Supervising Litigation Attorney
Paul Meyer, Orrick Racial Justice Fellow
Nila Bala, Director of Legislative Initiatives
Kamran King, Research Scholar
Rosa I. Rubio, Community Engagement Specialist
Nicole Bernardo, Senior Program Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Mecole Jordan-McBride, Advocacy Director
Katie Camp, Senior Policy Advisor
Maureen Perkins, Community Engagement Specialist
Evan Douglas, Public Safety Innovations Manager
Denise Woods, Executive Assistant
Sarah Sloan, Orrick Racial Justice Fellow


*Special thanks to Abby Cope Photography.