Our Team / Quincy Blair

Quincy Blair
Tech/Advocacy Counsel
Quincy is the Tech/Advocacy Counsel at the Policing Project, where she focuses on the legal and civil rights implications of emerging policing technologies, particularly in relation to civil liberties and racial justice. Her work includes researching automated traffic enforcement and novel DNA practices, assisting drafting policy guides on Automated License Plate Readers (ALPRs), and conducting legislative tracking on several issues such as pretextual traffic stops and use of force.
Quincy is a graduate of Cornell University and the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, where she has volunteered with the Re-Entry Advocacy Project and the National Lawyers Guild, providing support to previously and currently incarcerated individuals. During law school, Quincy interned with the Youth Law Center, the Haywood Burns Institute, the Legal Aid Society, and No Peace Without Justice in Brussels, Belgium.
Prior to law school, Quincy worked as a canvasser advocating on behalf of nonprofit organizations during the 2018 presidential midterm election.