Our Team  /   Jenna Wong

Jenna Wong

AI and Public Safety Research Associate

An icon representing email   jenna.wong@nyu.edu

Jenna is engaged in ongoing projects on how to implement AI safely and ethically in law enforcement practices. Her projects include tracking legislative progress on the latest AI bills and formulating substantive guardrails for regulatory frameworks on how to best use technology that meets the interests of police officers, community members, and other stakeholders. Jenna first interned at the Policing Project in 2022 to assist the policing technology and litigation teams. This exposure to the complicated yet exciting world of technology ethics, law, and policy inspired Jenna to pursue a career in responsible AI and tech regulation. She has developed studies to measure the moral awareness of technologists and attended Congressional meetings in DC to advocate for academic experts to help inform the government’s response to emerging technologies. Jenna aims to promote AI governance, establish privacy rights, and mitigate algorithmic bias in law enforcement and similar industries.

Jenna graduated summa cum laude from the University of Chicago with a BA in Philosophy and a BA in Law, Letters, and Society. She received her Master’s in Bioethics and Science Policy with a Concentration in Technology Ethics and Policy from Duke University, where she also earned a merit-based full-tuition scholarship.