The new Traffic Safety For All (TS4A) coalition will coordinate and educate stakeholders on the importance of limiting low-level traffic stops and allowing law enforcement to focus on addressing offenses that are central to causing crashes and traffic fatalities.
City of Minneapolis Publishes Policing Project Report on Community Safety Ecosystem
Advancing the work of the Minneapolis Safe and Thriving Communities Report and Plan, City leaders in Minneapolis have published the Community Safety Ecosystem Asset and Gap Analysis: Findings and Action Plan. Commissioned by the City, the actionable framework identifies the City's current strengths, existing barriers, and strategic opportunities for moving the City's community safety goals forward.
The City partnered with the New York University School of Law’s Policing Project to produce the report. The Policing Project drew on several sources of data, as well as conversations with City and non-governmental contract agencies to provide deeper insights into successes as well as barriers within the system. The report looks at the differing types of calls for service over a 3-year period before providing an action plan of recommendations for the City, many of which are already underway, or even completed. The report is broken down by looking at desired state, current state, and gaps for each of the three types of community safety ecosystem services – response, prevention, and restoration.
“The analysis found that Minneapolis has a well-established network and strong foundation for unarmed real-time response services,” said Office of Community Safety Director of Design and Implementation Amanda Harrington. “Currently, about 9 percent of 9-1-1 calls are diverted to expanded non-police services, which includes the Behavioral Crisis Response (BCR) team, traffic control unit, animal control and 311 and online response. The analysis provides action steps to scale these services for greater impact.”
Beyond the strong base for diverted alternative response calls, the analysis also focused on improvements to safety services, their efficiency and how to integrate resources into a comprehensive ecosystem. Action steps outlined refinements to governance structures that promote coordination, accountability, and transparency.
“Work has already begun on the recommendations in the report,” said Director Harrington. “For example, we are currently working with Minneapolis Police Department and Hennepin County for juvenile diversion process, our data collection processes, online data dashboards for greater transparency, refining our policies, and building a stronger governance model to sustain the work.”
Director Harrington added that the City is not starting from scratch as the City has been working on implementation of the Safe and Thriving Communities plan for a year. Minneapolis has a strong foundation of programs and personnel, but there are opportunities for improvement as policing and community safety are reimagined in Minneapolis. The City will work with the NYU Policing Project for another year as it continues to work on the report’s findings and action plan.
"The Policing Project at NYU Law is proud to have worked alongside the City in identifying opportunities to advance their community safety goals and will continue to support this ambitious and achievable undertaking," said Alexander Heaton, NYU Policing Project Director of Reimagining Public Safety.
The report is now available at this link: Community Safety Ecosystem Asset and Gap Analysis
Policing Project, South Carolinians Ask State Court to Strike Down Unauthorized Mass Surveillance Program
Plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division have filed a motion demanding an end to the agency’s vehicle surveillance program unless and until the state legislature authorizes it.
January 10, 2025
Media Contact: Joshua Manson, Policing Project at NYU School of Law,, (914) 357-0000
New York, NY – The Policing Project at NYU School of Law; The Carpenter Law Firm, P.C; Allie Menegakis of the Clekis Law Firm, P.A.; and attorney P. Alesia Rico Flores filed a motion for summary judgement asking a South Carolina state court to halt a statewide vehicle surveillance program that uses automated license plate readers (ALPRs) to track and record the movements of all drivers on the state’s roads and highways.
The lawsuit, filed in April 2023 on behalf of the South Carolina Public Interest Foundation and Greenville resident John Sloan, alleges that the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division’s (SLED) vehicle surveillance program uses ALPRs across the state to indiscriminately capture more than 100 million time- and location-stamped photos of South Carolina vehicles each year. SLED stores this information in a searchable, centralized database to which it has given dozens of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies access. As the lawsuit explains, SLED’s decision to create and disseminate travel information on law-abiding drivers in South Carolina was made without any permission or authority from the legislature – and it operates without legislative guardrails to protect against misuse and abuse.
Since the lawsuit was filed, plaintiffs have confirmed a number of their allegations in discovery, including that SLED’s database contains over 431 million vehicle location observations; that it stores the movements of South Carolinians' vehicles regardless of any suspected connection to criminal activity; and that 99.8% of the location observations in the database—more than 430 million location observations in all—have no known connection to criminal activity when they are stored. SLED also stores all of this information for three years—a retention period that is significantly longer than that authorized by law in other states.
Read the motion here. For more information on the case, please visit
The Policing Project at NYU School of Law promotes public safety through transparency, equity, and democratic engagement. Learn about the Policing Project at
James Carpenter has represented clients in litigation in state and federal trial courts, and at the appellate level, for more than thirty years. His public interest cases have involved procurement by government agencies, violations of various state statutes and the South Carolina Constitution as well as the Freedom of Information Act. Learn more about his practice at
Allie Menegakis is an experienced trial attorney, criminal justice reform advocate, and legal commentator. She practices both criminal defense and personal injury law at Clekis Law Firm, P.A. in Charleston, South Carolina. In January of 2020, Allie extended her advocacy from the courtroom to broader policy reform via the creation of the non-profit organization, South Carolina for Criminal Justice Reform (SC4CJR), “a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating mass incarceration and achieving fair, equal, and humane treatment of the criminally accused.” As SC4CJR’s founder and executive director, Allie continues to educate the public and legislators on smart criminal justice reform.
P. Alesia Rico Flores has prior legal experience as a prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and municipal court judge. Currently, her legal career is focused on advancing criminal justice reform initiatives through legal representation, education, and advocacy.
Our 2024 end-of-year newsletter
Policing Project applauds Department of Justice decision to end Operation Jetway
The Policing Project applauds this important policy change, which comes months after we called on DOJ and the DEA to end Operation Jetway, citing the long-documented history of racial profiling associated with it.
Policing Project files amicus brief in Barnes v. Felix in the Supreme Court
Policing Project congratulates Atlanta Police Alternatives and Diversion (PAD) Initiative on renewed contract
The Policing Project congratulates the Atlanta Police Alternatives and Diversion (PAD) Initiative, a leading non-police alternative response program, on its renewed contract through 2026. As we explained in our joint letter of support with the Center for Innovations in Community Safety at Georgetown Law and other research and advocacy organizations, Atlanta PAD has developed an impressive track record of success serving Atlanta residents with critical services in place of unnecessary arrest, while also serving as a national model of what successful alternative response programs can look like. We celebrate this recognition of the program's success and urge other cities to follow its lead.
NYU Policing Project releases new public guidance on police consent decree monitors
The Policing Project at NYU School of Law has published a new report and toolkit on consent decree monitorships as a resource for monitors, communities, and law enforcement agencies.
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Policing Project at NYU School of Law, with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, has announced the release of Monitoring Law Enforcement Consent Decrees: An Introduction And Starter Toolkit, a new report providing public guidance on the monitoring of police consent decrees.
The report provides a detailed overview of what court-appointed monitors do and how they do their work, as well as a “starter kit” of specific tools that monitors can use throughout the consent decree implementation process. Drawing from successful practices and lessons learned from prior monitorships, it introduces a set of practical tools — including examples, templates, and practical resources — to help monitors effectively conduct an independent evaluation of law enforcement performance, a vital component of ensuring that decrees produce safer, more effective, and lawful policing.
The toolkit is also a resource for police departments, governments, and communities across the country that are making changes because of a settlement agreement or consent decree – including those involving a state enforcement arm or private entity.
"Consent decree monitors play a key role in ensuring that police departments are held accountable to, and able to meet, standards required by the Constitution and federal law," said Matthew Barge, Senior Policing Fellow at the Policing Project and NYU School of Law and the report’s lead author. "Today's report will empower current and future monitors, as well as police departments, local governments, and impacted communities, with a strong understanding of what a monitor can and does do, as well as a set of tools to help ensure that critical reforms are faithfully and effectively implemented by law enforcement agencies."
A monitor serves as a representative of a court and an independent validator of a jurisdiction’s compliance with a court-approved consent decree following a “pattern or practice” investigation by the United States Department of Justice. The scope of these investigations and subsequent consent decrees is varied, but often includes steps to remedy law enforcement practices found to violate the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendment; the Americans with Disabilities Act; and other federal laws.
As the report explains, the role of a monitor is also varied – the appointed individual will assess an agency’s compliance with a consent decree’s requirements on behalf of the court, but will also serve as a technical advisor providing real-time, substantive feedback to the law enforcement agency subject to the decree and will facilitate the consent decree implementation process.
The document provides in-depth guidance not only to individuals who may be interested in or new to consent decree monitoring, but also to jurisdictions who have or may enter into consent decrees and the law enforcement agencies that are or may be subject to decrees.
Read the full report at
The Policing Project at NYU School of Law promotes public safety through transparency, equity, and democratic engagement. Learn about the Policing Project at
New report offers recommendations for police reform in Chicago
Policing Project announces new statute and webinar on removing obstacles to police accountability
The Policing Project at NYU School of Law has released a new model statute and upcoming webinar to build accountability for law enforcement and improve public safety through state and local legislation.
The statute – An Act to Remove Barriers to Accountability and Facilitate Robust Oversight – is designed to remove certain barriers to accountability that provide law enforcement with special protections against investigation and discipline. Those protections, which far exceed those enjoyed by other civil servants and hamper legitimate internal misconduct investigations, are often written into state law as part of a Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights (LEOBOR) or included as individual provisions in a police collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
These barriers to accountability are a widespread problem: more than twenty states have some form of LEOBOR on the books and a review of 178 law enforcement CBAs found that 88 percent contained at least one provision that could meaningfully hinder discipline. Each day, however, more cities and states are taking steps to remove these provisions and improve accountability and public safety.
For more information on the statute, read our section-by-section summary, our explainer, our FAQ document, and a checklist to see what these provisions look like when codified.
Join us for a webinar on September 24 at 3:00 pm ET – featuring Reneé Hall, former Dallas Police Chief; Victor Dempsey, community organizer at the Legal Defense Fund; and Stephen Rushin, Professor of Law at Loyola University Chicago School of Law – on our model statute and how state and local legislation can remove these dangerous and unfair barriers to accountability and public safety.
This program has been approved for one New York State CLE credit in the category of Areas of Professional Practice. The credit is both transitional and non-transitional; it is appropriate for both experienced and newly admitted attorneys.
Register here.
Oregon newspaper highlights Policing Project lawsuit challenging unauthorized domestic surveillance
2024 Legislative Wrap-Up
This summer, we’re reflecting on a year in which – despite challenging political environments across the country – we were able to make real strides in legislatures across the country and build off last year’s successes.
The police killing of Sonya Massey shows why the law alone cannot end police misconduct
The profoundly disturbing police killing of Sonya Massey in her own home is a complete failure of policing and of humanity.
Just the latest incident of a police officer killing an unarmed Black person, it is rightly raising fundamental questions about policing in America. It’s also, however, raising questions about whether Sean Grayson – the sheriff’s deputy who killed Massey – should have even been allowed to serve as a police officer in the first place.
New report on alternative first response in San Francisco finds significant progress, includes recommendations for improvement
What does the new White House policy on AI mean for law enforcement? Here are our takeaways.
Last month, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a landmark policy putting in place long-overdue requirements on how federal agencies can – and cannot – use artificial intelligence.
Here are our main takeaways on what it means for law enforcement.
Here’s what we told the US Commission on Civil Rights about federal law enforcement’s unregulated use of facial recognition technology – and what must be done
Earlier this month, we appeared before the US Commission on Civil Rights – alongside experts from government, law enforcement, and other advocacy groups – to discuss the civil rights implications of federal law enforcement’s unregulated use of facial recognition technology (FRT).
The Next Step for Public Safety in Chicago Public Schools
Last month, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson announced his support for removing police officers from the city’s public schools. His administration should approach this change as an opportunity to invest in a proven strategy for supporting students: trained mental health professionals.
Eric Andre and Clayton English Appeal Dismissal of Racial Discrimination Lawsuit, Receive Broad Amicus Support
The Policing Project at NYU School of Law, the global law firm Jones Day, the law firm Lawrence & Bundy, and Canfield Law LLC have filed an appeal to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals challenging the dismissal of a civil rights lawsuit against Clayton County police. A range of groups and individuals, including law enforcement officials; Tyler Perry, Jamie Foxx, and other prominent Black actors; empirical scholars; Cato Institute; NAACP Legal Defense Fund; Institute for Justice; ACLU of Georgia, have filed amicus briefs in support of the appeal.