Facial Recognition: Q&A between a policy advocate and an AI practitioner

Face recognition as a technology has been the topic of much debate among both policymakers and AI practitioners recently. And justifiably so. It is one of the most potent technologies for identifying and tracking people.

In a new article, Policing Project Faculty Director Barry Friedman and Moji Solgi, vice president of AI and Machine Learning at Axon Enterprise, present a conversation, in the form of questions and answers, between a policy analyst and a technologist. As Friedman and Solgi write:

We hope that this will help illuminate a few key points for the reader interested in the cost-benefit analysis of this technology. More importantly, we hope that it conveys the message that the devil is in the details and unless the debate involves an interrogation of those details, there’s little hope for progress on the policy and decision-making front.

Read more of Friedman and Solgi’s piece, Facial Recognition: Q&A between a policy advocate and an AI practitioner.