Policing Project Director Barry Friedman is the Reporter for ALI’s Principles of the Law, Policing (Photo courtesy of ALI)
The American Law Institute council on policing approved several new chapters of Principles of Law, Policing at its most recent convening in January. These newly approved chapters address general principles of policing, as well as principles on police-citizen encounters, suspicion-less searches and seizures, questioning of witnesses and suspects, and eyewitness identification. These chapters will go before the full ALI membership for final approval in May.
After their approval, they will be posted on the Policing Project’s website. The Chapter on Use of Force was previously approved at the 2017 Annual Meeting.
Policing Project Director Barry Friedman is the Reporter for ALI’s Principles of the Law, Policing. Advisers on this Policing Principles project include law enforcement officials, prosecutors and defense attorneys, judges, community activists, academics, and more.
This project is designed to draft principles that can guide policing agencies throughout the country in carrying out their duties, and can serve as a template for legislative bodies, courts, police departments and communities looking for guidance in this area of law.
The American Law Institute is the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law. The Institute’s mission is to promote the clarification and simplification of the law and its better adaptation to social needs, to secure the better administration of justice, and to encourage and carry on scholarly and scientific legal work.
ALI Principles projects are undertaken on areas of law the membership believes may be in need of reform. Once approved by the full membership, ALI Principles are enormously influential in courts and legislatures, particularly in areas where there is little established law.