Watch the full video of our panel on applying CBA to body-worn cameras.
CBA Discussion of Body-worn Cameras
As part of our recent conference, The Benefits—And Costs—Of Policing, our panel of experts worked through what a basic CBA of body-worn cameras (BWCs) might look like. They addressed a variety of questions, including: What did departments hope to accomplish by adopting BWCs? Have the cameras lived up to expectations? Were there any unintended consequences from their use? The discussion made clear that CBA can be a powerful policy-making tool for ensuring sound regulation of policing technologies. Although it may be difficult to quantify the “benefit” of promoting transparency and trust, without clear policies in place for releasing video after high-profile incidents, for example, departments may not see these benefits at all.
This panel was presented as part of the Policing Project’s “The Benefits—And Costs—Of Policing” conference on September 21, 2018. Explore the conference page for additional resources, video, and more.
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